Circus Avago Circus Skills Workshop
You are the stars!

You are the stars!
Take part in Circus Avago - starring YOU! Try tightrope, juggling, unicycling, rola-bola, diabolo, clowning, tumbling and loads more in this action-packed event for all ages. It's total participation for everyone, from the exciting warm-up to the amazing performance climax. It’s your chance to be a circus star.
"The children left the workshop ten feet tall, eyes shining. It’s tremendous fun" Glasgow Herald
We are one of the UK's leading performance workshop providers and have presented workshops at the Singapore Intentional Arts Festival, Galway Arts Festival and the largest and smallest festivals in the UK - Edinburgh and Chiddingly.
Circus Avago works with all ages.
A structured session, from the exciting warm-up to the thrilling, all action, performance finale that will amaze their audience.
A non-stop, drop-in, have-a-go session for all ages from 3 to 103!
In schools - we are ready to help you with our, easy to arrange and present, innovative, creative, Circus Avago. It’s suitable for all Key Stages and it’s great for building confidence, sharing and learning skills, developing self-esteem and trust. Ages can be mixed - everyone works at their own level. Full preparatory details are supplied. "Walk a tightrope – it’s amazing what you’ll learn".
Circus Avago brings all circus skills equipment, sound and props, you have nothing to provide. Length of workshop and number of participants variable to meet your requirements.
Our workshops have been presented in many different formats for variable numbers, spaces and time, drop-in sessions, one-and-a-half hour sessions, half-day, full-day - talk to us and we will make it work for you.
or call... 01482 709939
Our workshops start with an entertaining, high energy introduction and demonstration.
The workshop can include (space and time dependent) unicycling, tightrope, juggling - rings, scarves, bean bags, clubs - diabolo, stilts, Chinese Ribbons, uni-balance bikes, slackline, fun wheels and pedal goes, Hula Hoops, clowning and slapstick, spinning plates, Roman ladders, Russian pole and more...
Magic Carpet Theatre have full Public Liability Insurance, Risk Assessments and demonstrate the safe way to attempt and practice all skills. We follow the National Youth Circus Guidelines.